
Tailored massage single-Use paraffin coconut wrap

Single-use paraffin wrap „Paraffin Wax “contains 30% of pure virgin coconut oil. It is suitable for dry and sensitive skin care. Coconut oil hydrates dry and sensitive skin and provides optimal care. It contains antioxidants, prevents skin aging, hydrates and regenerates.

Consultation with the masseur

Duration: 3 min.

Every new client need to fill form of contraindications, so our massage therapist knows what to focuse for. The massage therapist will go through it with you to get the best result possible. After that she explain what is about to happen, let you choose what kind of oil you would like and also you will get unlimited water with lemon (to stay hydrated is very important).

Tailored massage 

Duration: 60 min.

It is a treatment method that goes into the depth of a health problem and removes not only symptoms but also the cause of problem. Foot Reflexology is an old method based on the knowledge that there are many points on your feet.

Masseur’s recommendation

Duration: 2 min.

At the end of your massage the massage therapist will tell you what massage would bet he best and most effective for you next time, also might recomand you some supplements or some stretching. The frequency of massage should be at least once or twice per month.

Single-Use paraffin coconut wrap

Duration: 20 min.

Single-use paraffin wrap „Paraffin Wax “contains 30% of pure virgin coconut oil. It is suitable for dry and sensitive skin care. Coconut oil hydrates dry and sensitive skin and provides optimal care. It contains antioxidants, prevents skin aging, hydrates and regenerates.

OUR TIP:Affordable package of 5 massages

Duration: 65 min.

Take advantage of our affordable massage offer and let your body relax. This package includes 5 massages and we will leave the choice of the body part and type of massage on you.

Duration: 95 min.
Price 10:00-14:00: 1.790 CZK
Price 14:00-20:00: 1.890 CZK
